Detroit: Become Human Wiki
Detroit: Become Human Chapters

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This is the flowchart walkthrough for A New Home, with 100% completion rate and all checkpoints. This chapter is from the perspective of Kara. To the right is a video showing the in-game flowchart, while below is a text version for ease of use.

Kara, who returns to the home of her owner after being repaired, is immediately sent to do chores around the house. She was allegedly hit by a car, but depending on the player's choices, she may learn that she was actually broken by Todd.


  1. Welcome Home (checkpoint)
  2. Join Todd
  3. Clean First Floor
    • Read Android Power! - on the dining room table
    • Read Connecting the Dots - on the dining room table
    • Check Backyard
    • Wash Dishes - take dishes from dining room table to kitchen
    • Talk with Alice - she'll come out into the Backyard
    • Disturb Todd - stand in front of TV
    • Activate Vacuum - found to the left of the TV
    1. Rewash Clothes - have to grab clothes from line in Backyard
    2. Find Red Ice - found in the detergent
    3. Enrage Todd
  4. Take Out Trash
  5. Ask to Go Upstairs
  6. Go Upstairs (checkpoint)
  7. Clean Second Floor
    • Clean Todd's Room
      1. Tidy Pills
      2. Cross-chapter impact Kara Sees Gun - cross-chapter impact: required to unlock the "Kara Shot Todd" and "Alice Shot Todd" endings in Stormy Night, and the "use gun" path in Fugitives.
    • Clean Toilet - across from Todd's room
    • Alice Goes to Her Room
    • Clean Bathroom - across from Alice's room
    • Read Android QB - in Todd's room
    • Read Putting a Price - in Todd's room
    • Clean Alice's Room
      1. Ventilate Room - the player must actually raise the controller to perform this in "experienced" difficulty
      2. Cross-chapter impact Kara Discovers a Way Down - cross-chapter impact: allows escape via window during Stormy Night.
  8. Talk With Alice
    1. Alice Gives Kara a Key (if Alice has at least Neutral status)
    2. Open Alice's Box - cross-chapter impact: required to persuade Todd if encountered during Battle for Detroit - Kara Leaving Detroit.
  9. Finished Cleaning

Detailed walkthrough

After the opening, Kara and Todd arrive at the house. Todd leaves first, leaving Kara to follow. You can look at some construction work, but if you take too long Todd will impatiently call out to Kara.

Once inside, Todd very briefly gives Kara's instructions; cooking, cleaning and taking care of Alice. Alice will be missing at the beginning, but when Todd calls her she appears silently. Todd will tell Kara to start cleaning downstairs and then head up.

Kara has multiple things to do; cleaning the garbage into bags and taking them out, activating the vacuum cleaner, going outside to get some clothes to wash, washing the dishes.

If you rewash clothes, you will find a small stash of Red Ice. Todd will appear and warn you of making him nervous, after which he will leave and you can continue cleaning. Alice will have seen the situation.

You can talk to Alice outside, making it possible to get Kara's and her relationship to "Trusted" in this very chapter. If she sees you washing the dishes, the relationship will be improved.

In order to get the chapter to 100%, you must block the front of the TV while Todd is watching.

When the garbage has been taken out, you can move on to the second floor.

Cross-chapter impacts

  1. Kara Sees Gun
  2. Kara Discovers a Way Down
  3. Open Alice's Box

Relationship Changes


  • Wash the dishes Relationship up
  • Picking "Game" when talking to Alice. Relationship up
  • Picking "Backyard" when talking to Alice. Relationship up
  • Talking after cleaning the house. Relationship up
  • Inspecting the Alice in Wonderland book in her room. Relationship up
  • Picking "Friendly" or "Diplomatic" when talking to Alice. Relationship up
  • Picking "Name Kara" when talking to Alice. Relationship up
  • Picking "Interests" when talking to Alice. Relationship up
  • Picking "Mother" when talking to Alice. Relationship down